
You can get a support ticket for 5€, to participate in a raffle that will give out very special prizes. All the profits will go out to the NGO VALENCIA RED CROSS.
Each ticket will grant you a participation in the amazing support raffle that we’ve organized. You can get as many tickets as you wish, this also means that if you get more than one ticket you might also receive more than one prize. The winners of the raffle will be picked in an automated and random way from all the participants. There will be 18 winners who each will be randomly assigned one of the 18 prizes. When the raffle is done the lucky winners will receive an automated email. If you are one of them, go to our website where you will find a list created by the system featuring the winners and assigning them a number which will correspond with the numbers on a list of prizes that will be published beforehand on our website.
If you are one of the winners do contact us to telling us the prize corresponding with your ticket.
You can participate from 5th of November at 11pm (CET) to 11th of November at 9.00 am (CET).
These are the prizes you can win:

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